Uploaded on 2017-01-27 by Paul Desmedt
1 & 2. pretty large average accross cities to notice (20F New York, 21 F Chicago). The Netherlands has typically smaller differences (averaging at around 5F, with max for one city around 20 F). Living a small city located at the edge of Eindhoven the effect is presumably not so pronounced here (no actual data found though). city of Veldhoven picture: relative large area of stone directly exposed to the sun, minimal number of trees, some medium (5 stores) hight building. THis area is the shopping area, but other area's in Veldhoven consists of residential regions with 50 meters between houses or streets with connected housing. outskirt of Veldhoven (I could not upload two images, so only the one of city centrum Veldhoven is present): more open field for cultivating agricultural crops. Fiels is surrounded by small patches of trees. Hardly any completely bare ground, tree. 3. a improve number of trees and green area's in streets b. improve effectiveness of current green area's c. put on the agenda of municipality d. find effective ways to simulate/calculate influence of measures 4. none found for Veldhoven, Eindhoven had a conference last year where this subject was touched.