Uploaded on 2017-01-07 by Natalia Szcześniak
1. Pittsburgh – 16°, average: 2,1° New York – 20°, 2,7° Portland – 19°, 4,8° 2. Right now in Warsaw: city center: -10,3 °C source: https://www.ushuaia.pl/temp/?ln=pl Peripheral district: -12 °C Source: http://www.meteo.waw.pl/ UHI Index: 3°C source: https://books.google.pl/books?id=3lPsBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA166&dq=warszawa+uhi+index&hl=pl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjxsKrNpbDRAhVECSwKHW5pAU0Q6AEIHjAA#v=onepage&q=warszawa%20uhi%20index&f=false 3. - First of all, Warsaw needs to reduce individual car transportation within the city. It should happen via providing livable streets, net of bike routes and comfortable public transport. - Respect existing green areas planned for city ventilation - Demand from developers not only to provide greenery in newly built areas, but also they should incorporate trees in their designs (right now only certain percentage of “biologically active” Is required). 4. In Warsaw there were policy of “ventilation gussets”. Some areas of city were planned to be green parks that will provide air flow through the city. However, in late 90s. and early 2000s. some of this areas were sold to developers and built-up. Right now there is a group of scientists who analyse Warsaw Urban Heat Island. “Adaptacity” projest is about to end in 2018 with the result of a strategy for adapting to climate changes of Warsaw with the use of city climate mapping. Source: http://adaptcity.pl/english/about/