Uploaded on 2017-01-06 by Natalia Szcześniak
1. My TOP5 livability criteria 1. Safety 2. Housing 3. Political Stability 4. Job Opportuities 5. Culture 6. 2. I live in Warsaw, the capital od Poland. Why do I live here? 1. Education – I moved to Warsaw 8 years ago to study architecture. After studies I just stayed here. 2. Family – I have family living in Warsaw and nearby. Although we do not see each other every day, I feel better knowing that I can meet with them when I or they need. 3. Job – I work in Warsaw. 4. Housing – it is relatively affordable, but not satisfying in case of urban planning and design. 5. Transportation – Warsaw has good public transport, I live nearby metro line – it is very convenient, and, as capital, it has good connections with the rest of the country and biggest airport in Poland. 3. Warsaw according to my livability criteria: 1. Safety – 90/100 2. Housing – 75/100 3. Political Stability – 60/100 4. Job Opportunities – 70/100 5. Culture – 80/100 Total: 75/100 4. If I were a mayor of Warsaw, I would have limited impact on factors like “political stability”, however I would like people to feel safe in this unstable times. I would be concerned about nationalism, racism and xenophobia which now are growing up in Poland. All of this goes along with very low social trust, and that would be my first area of action. I would activate people via local events like picnics to participate in local decisions. Second, but equally important thing is chaotic development. In Warsaw there are no urban master plans, we have some local plans, but they do not cover the whole area of Warsaw, they do not even cover central area. As a mayor I would stop approving building permissions on sites with no local plans. 5. My three places to move: 1. Venice: culture!!!, quality of space!!!, climat, environment, transportation 2. Frankfurt am Main: quality of space, culture, job opportunities, international connectivities, economy 3. Stockholm – quality of space! <3, culture, housing, political stability, economy