Uploaded on 2017-01-05 by Transmilenio
Bogota, Colombia (Question 1) Three important stocks and flows in Bogota are the following: - Water reservoir: Water is a very important resource in the city and its management is vital. - Population: The population of Bogota is a very dynamic system. Lots of people migrate to Bogota from poor rural areas looking for opportunities. - Cars: The flow and stocks of cars is a very important issue in Bogota. This dynamic plays an important role in mobility and pollution. (Question 2) Water reservoir Flow of water into the reservoir: Maintaining the flows of water into the reservoir if fundamental for the stability of the reservoir. If the flow of water starts to decrease then the supply of water and electricity for Bogota and other small towns near could be in serious trouble. The following are the main flows of water: - River Guatiquia - River Chuza - River Leticia - Rain Stock of water: The reservoir of water is called Chingaza. It is a very important asset because the water and electrical supply to Bogota depends on it. It is managed by the Aqueduct and Sewerage Company of Bogota. Flow of water out of the reservoir: The water from the reservoir mainly flows to the Aqueduct of Bogotá. Population: Flow of people into population stock: There are two main flows: the migration to Bogota and the births. The migration to Bogota is very important because many people from rural areas have to go to the city to get away from violence or extreme poverty. Popultation stock: The population in Bogota is around 8.000.000. The population growth in the city is very high and it is creating a lot of social problems. It is important that something is done to contain the rapid population increase. Flow of people out of population: The main causes of people going out of the population stock are deaths and migration of people to other countries. Normally not too many people that live in Bogota migrate from it to other parts of the country. Cars Flow into cars stock: The sales of new and used cars in Bogota are the main flow to this stock. Mostly all of these cars are imported from out of the country because Colombia produces a very small amount of vehicles. So a lot of CO2 must be produced in order to bring cars into Colombia from all over the world. Cars stock Bogota has now around 2 million cars and the number is increasing fast. This growth is making worse the mobility problem in Bogota, that is one of the cities in the world with biggest congestion and transportation problems. It is very important for the city to restrict the number of cars and to develop its infrastructure and systems to support the transportation needs. Flow of cars out of cars stock The main flows of cars out of Bogota are due to migration and to the destruction and recycling of vehicles. But the number of cars recycled in Bogota is very low because in the country does not exist a good policy of recycling in general. The old and unused cars usually are thrown to the dumpsters and not recycled. (Question 3) Population It is important to reduce the flow into the population stock in Bogota. Bogota has many social, economical and operational problems due to overpopulation. So first it would be important to help develop economically rural and poor areas in the country so people don't have the necessity to migrate to Bogota. In second place, Bogota has a high birth rate and teen pregnancy. Therefore, it would be relevant to implement educational and social policies to reduce births. Cars Sales of cars in the city have to be heavily restricted in the city and the development of public transport is fundamental to improve mobility in the city. Also the recycling of cars is very important for environmental and economical issues. The recycling of car parts is an important business.