Uploaded on 2016-12-19 by MARIA CASTANON
TUXTLA GUTIERREZ, CHIAPAS, MEXICO One of the most important stocks are natural resources, Chiapas its full of them and Tuxtla Gutierrez isnt an exception. The city and it surrounds are full of trees, vegetation, mountains, etc. Unfortunately we not always look for it, some areas has been exploted to fill other people interests. The second stock its derivative from the first one, Finances or economical activities of Chiapas depends on tourism, wich depends on the natural resources of it. As a flow we have the citizens wich are "responsable" of the increasing infraestructure in housing and transportation. Tuxtla is a city that hasnt been planed, wich generates problems on covert the demand on public services, governments make fake solutions "repairing" damages they have cause. In order to not to fail they have start investing in certain city areas, with great individual results but not seeing from a bigger picture of the city. I dont say its a bad solution, I do think to reevaluate our priorities as a city to achieve something great.