United Arab Emirates, Dubai
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 3: "Factors of Livability"
Uploaded on 2016-12-11 by Roman Tschupp
Step 1: List the five most liveable cities that you know, based on your own experience and judgment, placing the most liveable city at the top of the list: - Dubai - Singapore - London - New York - Zurich Step 2: Describe in your own words five characteristics that according to your opinion make a city liveable. Order them placing the most important at the top of the list: - Availability of truly interesting and fulfilling work - Cleanliness of the city - Safety - Air quality - Availability of fast internet and corresponding services (e.g. spotify, netflix, amazon, etc.) Step 3: Describe the status of your own city in terms of the five characteristics that you listed above. Propose how your city should/could be transformed in relation to these characteristics in order to be more sustainable. - Dubai has interesting and fulfilling work opportunities as it offers work across the Middle East and Asia - Dubai is very clean and is aesthetically pleasing - Dubai is very safe and one rarely has to worry about safety - Air quality in Dubai is ok, but it could be improved by more green spaces, more spaces to walk and fewer cars - Availability of internet services is not great, for example there is no spotify or amazon in the UAE, which significantly affects quality of life