Uploaded on 2016-12-06 by Felipe Cepulli de Souza
The five most liveable cities that i have experienced are Copenhagen, London, Gothenburg, New York and São Paulo. For me the central characteristics that makes a city livable are: Guarantee of access to high quality education and healthcare; Being able to reach all the territory through alternative or public transportation; Having easy access to cultural events such as exhibitions, museums, theaters and fairs; Urban Systems such as sewage, drinkable water and electricity that reach each and every citizen; and low spacial segregation due to economic classes. In Rio de Janeiro, although the public opinion says that the main problem is security, the real one is the access to education and health for people with financial problems. Here a very conservative way of thinking that the way to extinguish crime is by killing the criminals is really strong and it is enforced by the police and politians it selves. The reason why the State does not make important moves, although being obvious that the solution would be increasing the investiments and the access to education (Not even mentioning if in public or in private institutions), is that by alienating people they are able to get votes. It may seem like a cliche conspiracy, but when the state does not reach all the public, other instituitions such as religious ones and the "milícia" make alliances and start to control people. The sustainability must start with social equality here and to fight that a long (and dangerous) road of public education must be built. The Photo Uploaded is a building in my university (Universidade Federal Fluminense) which the construction was paralised due to the cutbacks in education by the State.