Uploaded on 2016-11-29 by Morgane
Provisionning services Food : Arounf the city there is moutains, sea and forest → Traditional Fishing and Aquaculture in Antibes for sea bream and sea bass http://www.antibes-juanlespins.com/environnement/mer-et-littoral So I think that because of the sea's proximity we eat lot of fish where I live. But the city is in the south of the france and is a grand productor of olive oils. Then, we grow some cereal for the food like the triticale (species beteween wheat and rye), lucerne, soya or surghum. http://www.semencemag.com/diversite-plantes-cultivees-regions.html The olive oil or the cereal are the base of the most of meals, and help the eat healthy. Raw matérials : When we look at the geographic localisation of the city we can see what type of raw materials the ecosystem provide. Antibes is near the moutains and forest so production of wood. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hY8sGBVCGSs/USyIpQifEvI/AAAAAAAAhIw/IqKpMsx1z44/s640/cannes.png Aromatic plants : there is lot of aromatique plants that we could found around Antibes, there is also lot of plants for parfums, especially in the city of Grasse, famous for the parfums : Geranium, iris, jasmin, mimosa, violet... http://ethnobotanique-epi.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/EPI-AROMA_Alpes-maritimes-Ligurie.pdf (p20) Thank's the aromatic plants we have lot of choice to parfums salad or other traditional meal in south of France like « ratatouille ». The diversity of armotaic plants give a way of life, a way of eat. Medicinal ressources : There is not lot of medicinals species and no culture of. The city nearest antibes is « Grasse » where there is roses and vervain. Regulating Services The climate in Antibes is mediteraneen climate, so dry and temperate. Not so cold in winter and not so hot in summer because of the sea. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antibes#Climat (1.3) Antibes is a green city because of the many garden and trees you can find inside. There is a map where you can see where is green. All along the mains strees you can find trees like prickly trees or palm tree. http://www.antibes-juanlespins.com/images/pdf/proximite/px_plan_antibes.jpg On the city website, you can find all walk you can do in the city. That is a proof of the greenery of the city. http://www.antibes-juanlespins.com/environnement/parcs-jardins-espaces-boises There is not extreme event in Antibes, the worth in the rain once or twice in the year. It is raining a lot and that create flooding. http://fr.climate-data.org/location/8147/ On the link you could find the temperature and the quantity of water in Antibes. The weather is really clement in antibes and around the city, that provide a security in life of inhabitants and attract the tourists, so is help for economy of the city. I think because of the localisation and the weather, the tourism is base of economy. And that steer people to preserve the environnement, because is not the weather who will destroy it. Habitat or Supporting Services Habitats for species Because of the moutains and the rocks we found lot of ebex in the moutains. He live in the moutain in summer and find pace without snow in winter. He eat lichens and we find lotof lichens in these moutains. There is also lot of wolf who are carnivore and eat sheep, chamois or mouflons.... Both live in moutains and forest. The moutains provide river and so fresh water for crustacean and fish like crawfish, eel, « blennie fluviatile », trout... We find lot of different butterfly species who need different plants to eat as well. The climate and the localisation provide these type of species. The sea, warmer than ocean, provide an perfect habitat for some fish species like « barbeau meridonal », « blageon » file:///C:/Users/M4600/Downloads/ONF_memento_faune_protegee_alpes_maritimes.pdf Evrything provide a beautiful scenaries, large species diversity. Cultural services Recreation and mental and physical health As I tell it before, the localisation of the city is near to moutains. So that provide lot of walk and hiking as well in summer. In winter we found sport winter like ski or snowboard and still hiking to have. In summer you are near the sea and lot of people use the bike, hike or swim in the sea because the current are not dangerous. So there is manys ways to do some sports in this place. Tourism :The localisation near the sea add to a hot and dry weather in summer make of this place a really good one for the tourism. In winter, the moutains, snow and big place for the ski attract a lot of tourist as well. So these conditions provide a good tourism which included in the economy of the city. It is now and important and essential part of the economy. We can see on the website, that the frequentation is more in summer but still there is tourists all the year. http://www.economie06.fr/page/tourisme http://www.cotedazur-touriscope.com/v2/chiffres-cles/ Aestehic appreciation and inspiration for culture, art and design : Antibes was a nice place for artist like painter. For example Picasso lived a part in Antibes and painted a lot of views of the city. Now to remember him, we can find some painting in the streets of the differents views and he got his own museum. So we can say that Antibes is a nice place for creation, inspiration, art or design.