Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 2: "Stocks and Flows"
Uploaded on 2016-11-26 by Jesse Francis
1) The most important stocks entering, staying and leaving my area are people (School children) Land and Density. 2) People in the form of school children is the most important flow in my area (Barataria) as there four primary level schools in the area as well as three Secondary level schools int he area. The picture uploaded shows one of the four primary schools. The schools can be viewed as stocks that influence the shock of children in the area during school hours as well as the flow of children through the education system and in and out of the area. Land is very fluid in my area as there has been a gradual shift from subsistence and commercial agriculture to industrial and commercial activities as well as large scale housing complexes on the outskirts of the area. Influenced by this change in land is the density of the area 3) All of these stocks and flows can benefit the area by creating an economic hub for the residents of the area