week 4 - compulsory exercise - san sebastian, spain
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 2
Uploaded on 2015-10-18 by IratiGomez
Temperature differences in US cities. I found that the temperatures may be up to 24ºF hotter in the city than in nearby rural areas as it happens in Las Vegas or Buffalo. But when it comes to average it becomes lower. I made a grafic where the average temperature difference between urban and rural area is shown in the top 10 of biggest temperature difference. ![enter image description here][1] **Q2** In the Basque Country we have local forecast website: [local forecat website][2] In this web site we can check data from weather stations located in different cities across the country. But we are not able to compare temperatures value differences among urban and rural areas. San Sebastian city is located on the northern coast of Spain with an Atlantic climate. Due to its size (186.126 aprox. inhabitants) and proximity to the coast, I believe our UHI is not as high as in other interior cities of Spain. The weather here is rainy, specially during autumn. Temperatures are mild and temperate (average 15 ° C), but in summer and winter high humidity (around 70-80% most days of the year) causes thermal sensations of greater heat or cold. South wind can raise temperatures up to 20 ° C, and northern wind instead lowers the temperature. ![narrow urban street_san sebastian][3] ![wide urban street_san sebastian][4] ![surrounding rural area_san sebastian][5] **Q3** I live in a small city where climate also helps to reduce UHI effects caused in the city center. But I strongly believe temperature in the main communicative roads of the city is higher than in surrounding residential areas. I would propose to reduce traffic in the city center, providing more pedestrians paths and bike lanes. Public transport (buses and trains) work quite well in San Sebastian, and received EU aid for making them more sufficient and cleaner. **Q4** In our community there have been improvements in matter of public transportation in order to reduce CO2 emissions and create healthier mobility patterns. The following two links show 2 different initiatives in which the local bus company is taking part: 1 [civitas-initiative][6] 2 [smartcem-project][7] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14451960044128473.jpg [2]: http://www.euskalmet.euskadi.eus/s07-5853x/es/meteorologia/home.apl?e=5 [3]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14451962442073352.jpg [4]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14451962705410452.jpg [5]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14451963673570626.jpg [6]: http://www.civitas-initiative.org/content/donostia-san-sebasti%C3%A1n-0 [7]: http://www.smartcem-project.eu/en/pilot_sites/gipuzkoa_-_san_sebastian/gipuzkoa_-_san_sebastian.htm