Uploaded on 2015-12-03 by Alireza_Atae
The main UHI effects in my area is drought and widely lack of water, and low air quality due to many cancer and heart diseases. I would propose; first the reduction of city growth without Comprehensive planning considering futures views and abilities.Second is establishing the public transportation effectively and third planting trees, build green environment and fourth protect of suburban lands with strong rules to preventing misuse of it.I don't know do recognize politic mans about the term of UHI in my place until now, but with no information or knowledge about one topic,thereby we don't have any special rules in that case. ![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14491585495175107.jpg [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14491585768822946.jpg