Uploaded on 2015-10-29 by ehlelt87
1.What are the dominant fossil fuels used in your country? UNDEVELOPED COUNTRY 2. What are the dominant fossil fuels used in your country? FOR HEATING Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, is the coldest national capital in the world. In the 2000s, rapid urbanization has led to deteriorating air quality in the city, with emissions originating from domestic heating and cooking needs, increasing number of vehicles, growing number of industries, construction activities, and higher electricity demand publicly available air quality data from 1,100 cities and listed Ulaanbaatar among the top 5 cities with the worst air quality in the world 3 How would you do that? Some experts claim the solution is to relocate ger area residents into apartment buildings, but who will pay for these apartments and their water, electricity, heating and maintenance bills? Other experts recommend the installation of new, better-quality heating appliances, combined with enforcing the use of environmentally friendly fuel. But again, who will pay for this? Other options include better insulation for gers and houses, increased public education, a strengthening of pollution monitoring and enforcement and improving the city’s heating network. The truth is there’s no easy answer, there’s no single solution. Only one thing is certain…if we are complacent now, the wintertime air pollution problem will return again and again. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14461102434807234.jpg