Heat island effect - Santo Domingo Oeste
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 2
Uploaded on 2015-10-20 by nelson_ps
There are not data of the UHI in my city, Santo Domingo Oeste, Dominican Republic, but there are very high temperatures due principally to the existence of many industries in the zone, the high emission of greenhouse gases by the vehicles, the extensive use of concrete in the buildings and the shortage of trees and green areas. ![Av. 27 de Febrero with Av. Isable Aguiar, Santo Domingo Oeste][1] ![Ensanche Altagracia, Santo Domingo Oeste][2] **3- Which are the measures you would propose?** I would propose the use of garden roof and green walls in the buildings, the construction of new green areas, the implementation of passive cooling systems and the construction of bioclimatic buildings. **4- Is UHI effect concerning policy making in your area?** I´m not sure if there is any policy concerning to the UHI effect in my country. [1]: http://telenoticias.com.do/files/2014/01/medidastransito.jpg [2]: http://