Coatzacoalcos Mexico
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2015-04-19 by Dabinto
[1]: This picture was taken in Coatzacoalcos Veracuz Mexico at 6:41 AM. Just By watching the foto can identify right away two mayor characteristic facts about Coatzacoalcos: 1. Not all streets are paved. 2. That amount of fog at that 6:45 am is an indicator of a really humid environment, that added to Coatzacoalcos geographical position, shows two of the most difficult caracteristics to deal with in this location: Warm and humidity. Unpaved streets means that not all streets are operative and that transit concentrates on avenues. It also shows that most probably the distance by car of two different points within the city could not be the shortest pathway, in other words, driving times increases due to the fact that the quickest route might be a non operational road and taking a street to get to the desired point could mean a few extra blocks and a tittle more time. Warm and Humidity on the other hand are a factor for high-leveled Air conditioning usage that also means a substantial electrical consumption for the city.