Making the invisible - visible, Mumbai, India.
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2015-04-15 by Hasanain046
[1]: This image has been taken in the evening in the Fort area of Mumbai, India. It is mainly a commercial heritage area with buildings built atleast 150 years ago. 1.Visible information- The Visible Information present in this picture is that old stone heritage buildings line both sides of a tree canopy covered street. on either sides cars and bikes are cramped for parking space. Footpaths have been taken over by hawkers leaving just the street for people to walk on. 2.Invisible information- This is a commercial area, hence the activity in this area peaks during the day and is minimal or nill during the night. It is time oriented space crunch. Another piece of invisible information is the amount of economic revenue being generated in this small area. It may be in the multinational offices in the buildings or the street hawkers lining the pavements. 3.Knowledge Contribution- By these parts of information we can derive that the parking and vehicular movement in this area has to be reworked so that it can morph to the changing times. Even though Street hawkers are the charm of the city but footpaths were made with the main purpose of keeping foot-traffic off the vehicular roads.