Sion, Switzerland
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2015-04-24 by eribar
1. The different phase of evolution and the different uses (habitat vs. industry) of the different neighborhoods. Due to the topography (in a valley) the developpement of the future city will be complex. 2. The blue line represent the Rhone's river. What could not be seen here is the portion of the territory that is subject to flooding (which restrict the available space for safe building). I would present the transformation of data related to the use of the area into a knowledge necessary for planning future development. Sion needs new spaces for people habitat. However, due to the topographic constraint, and for the sake of coherence urban development may be possible only in the place of the industrial area (agricultural land is more or less protected). It means that the industrial zone should be displacement. Nuisances due to the airport and the highway (both "cutting" the territory into 2 pieces. Usefull knowledge for planning the future is to know how the people are in relation with the industrial area, the hospital, tec. (e.g. facilitating transportation for the workers). Other spaces, as the golf and the airport may be seen as opportunities for the future. ![The city of SIon from above][1] [1]: