Bialystok, Poland
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2015-06-13 by xJacekGx
[1]: This photo has been taken in Bialystok, Poland. Informations that are visible on this photo: there's plenty of cars in the foreground, a bus stop with a passager waiting in the background, and a local store behind the stop. What is invisible: the density of cars/parking space in the area (there are no spots left in the photo - does it mean the next driver has to stop in front of next tenement block? Two blocks further? Maybe even on another street?) and the bus line occupancy (there's only one person at the stop - does it mean hardly anybody travels by this particular line? or maybe the bus has just departed?). How can this become knowledge? By taking further analysis of parking space occupancy, we can either transform some space into greens (when there's a lot of unused parking space) or build another parking spots (when the occupancy rate is extremely high).