Uploaded on 2015-04-21 by SalilSharma
[1]: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-sWK648B-FU8/U9f05H9vNSI/AAAAAAAACcw/atEK_u-SSbY/w958-h709-no/IMG_20140729_170005.jpg Location: Kaufingerstraße, Munich Visible Information: Wide street, Shops on both sides of the road, Pesdestrian friendly, No cars. Invisible information: 1. No cars- No separation effect which means improved accessibility for the people as well as for the shop owners. 2. Consideration of active mobility: walking as a primary mode combined with the public transport at both ends of the street. "Accessibility" links land use with transport supply, and hence a good urban design should have prime importance to the accessibility.