Ardagir Residence, Atyrau, Kazakhstan
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2015-06-06 by ArminiusUngeist
The image shows one of the residential buildings of Atyrau, Kazakhstan, a small city some 3o km from the Caspian Sea. Also, there are visible a couple of surrounding buildings with different functions (left, a shopping centre, and right, Renaissance Hotel with a mosque in the background) and a fairly busy traffic. The "invisible information" in the image becomes apparent if we consider the context of a city like Atyrau. First we can conclude that we are looking at the centre of the town taking into account the mosque in the background (actually not far from the Russian orthodox church - another fairly old building but not in the picture), and a newly built one, considering the styles of the Renaissance Hotel, Ardagir Residence and shopping centre beside. Due to its placement, it is an expensive area of the city, which gives us the second "invisible information" that relates to the high social level of the people who can afford to buy or rent apartments in the building. As the quality of materials (most of them if not all imported) and the services offered are of the highest standard available locally, the experience acquired can be employed to raise the standard of living in the less fortunate areas of the city. Also, the experience in dealing with the increasing number of vehicles and increasing traffic can be used in planning to restructure and enlarge the road network in the rest of the city (which is in dire need of such an action). [1]: