Tourists and/or locals in the city center of Moscow
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2015-06-04 by LeaPru
[1]: Sorry you need to turn your head 90°degrees to see this picture. The is the Old Arbat street in the city centre of Moscow. A few visible facts: -it is a pedestrian street. (first one which has been fully dedicated to pedestrians in Moscow, in the 1980's). -it is a very well maintained area, clean and pretty, honoring its prestigious past and historical buildings -it hosts many shops, bars, restaurants, street sellers, craftsmen, artists, theaters, museums.. -it is all day long filled with a diverse crowd, mostly at sunny times. The invisible information I would like to draw attention to, is about the people who walk along this street and how it includes tourists and locals: -What you can't see on this picture is that the location is very central and draws many tourists. The street offers a dozen souvenirs shops and has part of its business turned to this group : TOURISTS -The street also borders a prosperous residential area. The inhabitants of this neighborhood, where I live, also go to the Old Arbat street, on a daily basis, on their way to somewhere else or for social activities such as going out to restaurants or bars, and meeting friends at the many cafés. This is the group of the LOCALS and a big part of the "business model" of the street also relies on this group. The second, tough related, invisible information, is about the times during which each group visit the street: -LOCALS are here all year long, winter and summer. But they often work so they are around mostly in the early morning or in the evening. And they most of all fill the street during week-ends, for recreational purpose as well as cultural. If they have kids they would typically go for an afternoon musical or theatral show that are offered in the famous theaters of Arbat. You can be sure to bump into a massive crowd of kids at 5pm on Sundays at the entry of any theatre on the street. -TOURISTS, on the other hand are here mostly during summer and during the week day-time, late morning or early afternoon. Besides the frequentation-time difference they are also easy to differentiate due to their clothing or the groups they form. Source : me watching through my window. This does not sound very technology-based, but I hope it is reliable enough!