Washington, DC, USA during Cherry Blossom Festival
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2015-06-29 by stephanielavey
1) The cherry blossom tree is planted next to an art gallery in the center of the city. The trees draw tourists not only to the outdoor parts of the city, but also to the world-class museums. The invisible information revealed here is that the tree is placed near the museum to demonstrate that the city of Washington values its cultural components, and tries to draw tourists not only to the natural beauty of the city, but also to its cultural artifacts. 2) The gallery is not accessible by automobile; only by bicycle or walking. The invisible information revealed here is that Washington is a "walking" city, and that commuters and locals are able to rely on public transit or walking for transportation. Number 2) above contributes to knowledge and planning a livable urban space. The city lends itself to walking as a reliable form of transportation, and the most desirable parts of the city can only be accessed on foot. Washingtonians expect to walk to cultural and natural places, and therefore, planners should build upon existing infrastructure to increase the density of spaces in Washington. Tourists and citizens alike will appreciate the dense, walkable spaces with mixed uses.][1] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14355475286593198.jpg