House Museum of Macau and the Modern Hotels
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2015-04-21 by Ian-C
[1]: A Photo from Macau: 1. Visible Information: 1.1 At the near side it is an old historical house "House Museum" that was built over 80 year ago; 1.2 At the far side on the other side of the lake it is a series of high rise hotels "The Venetian Macao" with a very large casino that was built less then 10 years ago. 1.3 In between the historical old house and the new hotel there is a lake. 2. Invisible Information: 2.1 About 10 to 15 years ago this famous place for visit is a beautiful scene with lake and natural environment. It is now surrounded by model high rise becoming a urban area. 2.2 About 10 to 15 year ago Macau is a small place with casino as well as leisure. The casino is quite far from the natural environment and history. It now interfere and overriding by the huge amount of casino and hotels. 3. Contribute to Planning: 3.1 It is a matter of balance of urban development and preservation of natural and historical buildings. 3.2 It is also a matter of planning between modern and busy city and a leisure and nice living urban space.