stocks and flows in the city of Rotterdam
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 2: "Stocks and Flows"
Uploaded on 2015-05-21 by NebrasSalheb
-because the city is an industrial center a high amount of force which stays in the city for a limited time, returning to their home countries afterwards, especially from other EU members. -Rotterdam is an international city, which attracts permanent immigrants from around the world. -tourists who come through the harbor of Rotterdam (see [pic1]), or for events such as Rotterdam marathon (see [pic2]), or to see different Rotterdam attractions. Rotterdam has a huge potential to attract even more flow of population, which would generate more income to the city, this can have a huge positive impact on a city that has the ability to grow and develop. Which in its term would push forward several residential, industrial and commercial projects that was previously placed on hold. 2-Goods: The Port of Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe, from 1962 until 2002 it was the world’s busiest port, now overtaken first by Singapore and then Shanghai, and it is a main gate for export and import for whole EU. Therefore the flow of merchandise is vast comparing to the stock that stays or already exists in Rotterdam (see [pic3]). The increase of flow of goods through the port of Rotterdam would mean the need for a bigger port, and claiming more land from the sea for the favor of Rotterdam harbor, and eventually the city could claim the no1 port in the world rank back. which would have a emotional and practical effect on the city status. 3-Water: Rotterdam is divided into two sides Rotterdam-North and Rotterdam-south by the Mass river, the stock of the flowing Mass water is changed due to a Frequent changes in flow of water (see [pic4]), these changes are either due to natural reasons or manmade reasons such as dams and the gate of Rotterdam” Maeslantkering" which is a dynamic dam that can control the flow of water. Therefore an increase in the flow of water can be controlled but in the future more barriers of the sea could be needed. Information for all 4 photos. Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Photo Taken by: Nebras Salheb (me) Date: 20-05-2015 ![pic1][1] ![pic2][2] ![pic3][3] ![pic4][4] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: