Stocks and flows in Medellín, Colombia.
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 2: "Stocks and Flows"
Uploaded on 2015-06-30 by AndreyBarrera
Balances would be the architectural heritage of the city since the time of the Spanish colony is maintained until the present day, with works depicting the city internationally as the sculptures of Fernando Botero and libraries with books of good writers we have had as Gabriel Garcia Marquez. In the case of energy, the future need not rely solely on reservoirs for hydropower generation, it is also good to use other renewable energies such as solar, because climate change is too risky for many people do not have access to water or energy if only for one day and cause irreparable social and economic problems. ![Here you can see a photo taken by me, the Embalse de Guatape - The Peñol (Colombia) in summer where there is a strip that shows they are lowering water levels and even has a constant monitoring would be worrying if they present a phenomenon unprecedented extreme climate.][1] [1]: