Exercise 2 Stocks and flows Perth, Western Australia
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 2: "Stocks and Flows"
Uploaded on 2015-05-14 by KR3
1) Three of the most important stocks and flows entering, staying and leaving the city of Perth in Western Australia are Finance, Information and People. 2) This is because Perth is isolated (in geographic location), it is a capital city and thus has particular responsibilities, it has been in a period of rapid development, and it has a high immigration rate (people moving for lifestyle as well as people moving for jobs). Perth is also a tourist destination. 3) These flows could change positively because the development is continuing, the exchange rate is becoming more favourable, there have been recent policies promoting tourism, and there have been city information initiatives (such as free wifi). Please see the example image of the Central Park Building and adjoining garden, at 152 St Georges Terrace in Perth. The tenants of the building represent these finance, information and people flows by including the office and workers of the Australian Securities Exchange, a bank, wealth management companies, mining companies, a law firm, a real estate agency, a government department. There are various food outlets on the ground floor of the building (remembering food is another flow) and the gardens are popular with tourists and city workers. The image has been sourced from the Internet: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/OIC_perth_cbd_central_park_gardens.jpg ![Perth CBD Central Park building and garden][1] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14315805439707903.jpg