Stocks and Flows in Kavadarci, Macedonia
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 2: "Stocks and Flows"
Uploaded on 2015-05-14 by Bikova
1. People represent one of the most important flow in Kavadarci. All the young people who are studying in the capital town, during the school year leave Kavadarci, and come back for the summer. Also, there are many people that moved to other european countries, but come and visit their families here in the summer.Those people left the country because of the bad economic situation, looking for better life somewhere else. In the future, if the situation in Macedonia becomes better, the people won't be moving away. The flow of people will be smaller, and the stocks of people greater. 2. Vineyards are very important stock in Kavadarci. For many centuries people in and around this area are working at their vineyards, and from the grape produce wine. The wine that they produce is exported to many countries in Europe. In the last few years, the situation for this people is not like it was before. It is getting harder for them to make money and make living out of this job. In the future I see people stop working on their vineyards, and start producing something else than grape. The stock of vineyard will be smaller, as well as the flow of wine. ![Stock of Vineyard][1] 3. Water is another important stock in Kavadarci. Tikves Lake is few kilometers away from the town and it is of great use.Its water is mainly used for electrical energy. I see in the future it being used tourism too. right now is more like a local place for fishing, but it may become place for relaxation and enjoyment for tourists around the country. ![Tikves Lake][2] [1]: [2]: