Stocks and Flows in Panama City (Panama)
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 2: "Stocks and Flows"
Uploaded on 2015-05-23 by BESSOUHERVE
**Goods transportation** by containers ![Balboa port for goods - Panama City (Panama) Photo from ][1] With **goods transportation**, the **stocks** are the Panama canal, the port of goods named Balboa, the international airport of Tocumen, the road system and the rail system connecting thoses infrastructures.The **flows** are the boats traffic on the canal, the in-put and out-put of goods through the Balboa port, trains traffic on rail, trucks traffic on roads, freight plane traffic. We could add people who are working in goods transportation in the city and the energy consumption of the infrastructures. In the future and with the increase of the traffic of goods, it could be good for the city to reduce the traffic of trucks by developping a rail connection between the port and the airport. **Commuters from the west** part of the city (Arraijan) to the center ![Highway between Arraijan and Panama City Photo from][2] With commuters from the west, the **stocks** are the highway and the bridge "Puente de las Americas" over the Panama canal. The **flows** are the traffic in the morning from Arraijan to Panama City and the traffic in the evening from Panama City to Arraijan (as it shows in the picture). In the future, it planned to enlarge this highway. It is also planned to build another bridge connecting Panama City to Arraijan, for cars but also with a rail connection. It could resolved the problem of congestion for this part of the city. **Rain** in the city ![Flood in Panama City Photo from][3] During the rain season, it's raining a lot in Panama City. The **stocks** are the sewer system. The **flows** are the rainfalls. In the future, Panama city has to manage well and to develop its sewer sytem to evacuate more quickly the rainfalls to avoid recurring floods in the streets. [1]: [2]: [3]: