Uploaded on 2015-06-16 by waldoyyz
Sao Paulo train stations were created in 1946 and nowadays they are about 92. We have a main number of 1,5 stations built per year. It is too low for a 18MM people city. Almost static and, for me, a clear example of stock. The number of cars in a train, the number of trains and the number of train stations. Can be considered stocks. The number of people living in São Paulo per year and using the train, the flow of people using this trains during the day and the number of tweets about the condition in trains and stations are example of flows. Reinforcing this last example of flow, @CPTM_Oficial (https://twitter.com/cptm_oficial) is the Twitter account of the train company and it send everyday information about the trains and flow of people in the station. Also, train users share information using the hashtag #cptm to inform any problems with the trains, making direct influence in the number of people using the train during that problem time. ![*Pinheiros Train/Subway Station, São Paulo, Brazil*][1] [1]: https://sites.google.com/site/waldoalencar/_/rsrc/1434416926700/pictures/Instasize_0615093245.jpg