Exercice 1 : 3.6 Lyon, FRANCE
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2016-04-05 by duchene_damien
1. On this picture, we can see some industrial looking halls in the front, low-standing housings on the right, a train (and metro and tram and buses) station in the middle, older, higher-standing looking housing behind it, with trees, and a few high-rises in the background. 2. Invisible information that could be extracted from the places in this picture could be the quality and the quantity of the flows of people changing modes of transportation at the hub. The other invisible information could be the existing planning for the zone, as most of the industrial halls will be destroyed and replaced. 3. The information on the existing projects can help coordinate public planners and private developers, and make the public more knowledgeable of the evolution of the neighborhood, allowing it to give its opinion. ![Neighborhood in Lyon][1] [1]: https://dl2.pushbulletusercontent.com/z26Df1cBm7sTZOtRDzlADdyH3zD2oPKi/IMG_20160405_162810.jpg