Uploaded on 2014-11-20 by KaterinaHristovska
[1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1416522824535750.jpg The Matka Canyon represent a true natural beauty and unique nature masterpiece. Right at the middle of the river it is build a hydro-power energetic center for producing hydro energy that is transformed into electricity. The amount of energy that is produced is very small but it represent a great urban design solution for the river not to pour up to the capital city Skopje, and to bring flood and the level of the Vardar river to rise, but is many in one solution. It represent a hydro-power energy production solution, it has historical meaning, since the canyon is surrounded with churches and monasteries. There are dozens of caves and large number of endemic plants and animals. It's unique beauty attracts lot of tourists from all around the world which influence on the country economy and also represent a perfect place for the hiking lovers, which is great to keep the sport spirit spinning around. On the other side there is one major point that need to be resolved in the future. Hydro-power energetic center Matka can have ruinous and above earthquakes (on average one every 50 years), with occurrences at 7> Richter. When a strong earthquake occurs, there will be general panic. Damage will be considerable even in specially designed structures, well designed frame structures can be thrown out of plumb and buildings shifted off foundations. It may be that almost everything is destroyed and objects are thrown into the air. The ground may move in waves or ripples destroying bridges and bending rails. Flooding risk is high.