Uploaded on 2015-11-26 by LamWY1997
The dominant fossil fuel in Hong Kong is oil products, where 18.48 Mtoe of oil products are used to produce electricity in Hong Kong (in 2012). 2. Most of the electricity is used under the category of “others” (4.18 Mtoe of electricity is being used in 2012 for “others”). For Hong Kong, main consumers are residential and commercial sectors. 3. I would encourage the installment of renewable energy generation instruments in residential and commercial sectors. This is because these sectors are responsible for the largest proportion of fossil fuels usage in HK. So it is most sensible to start with these sectors. Also, HK is a high-density city with many high-rise buildings. Their roofs are often left unused, which provide abundant space for the implementation of this policy. Subsidies and technical supports are to be given to owners/managers of urban buildings. They may start to install instruments like solar boards and mini wind turbines on buildings' roof, to generate renewable energy. The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) building’s roof in HK is a good example to illustrate: ![此处输入图像的描述][1] ![此处输入图像的描述][2] *(Photos from: EMSD's website)* This can provide a new way for residential and commercial sectors to generate energy, relying less on local energy plants (that use majorly the highly-polluting fossil fuels). Instead, sustainable energy can be encouraged in HK, which are surely non-polluting. [1]: http://www.emsd.gov.hk/filemanager/tc/content_314/C1.jpg [2]: http://re.emsd.gov.hk/tc_chi/wind/small/images/image006.jpg