Uploaded on 2015-12-15 by Xenia_arch
1. The dominant fuels in Russia are: oil and gas products, which go also on export. Siberia is famous for great mining industry, what means, coal fossil (prior Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, e.g.) is among the leading ones in the region along with oil (everywhere) or gas (mostly Omsk or Tomsk areas, e.g.). 2. Most quantity of production goes on export, other spreads equally among the following needs: transport system, industry and other needs, like domestic demands or agricaltural sectore in rural areas. 3. If that could be possible to influence, I would recommend to change policy right on environment-freindly resources of energy and develope hydro power as the main, though it is quite spread in the country and used for the city everyday needs (e.g. Novosibirsk OBGES hydro plant: http://aircam.pro/wp-content/gallery/3d/nsk47_p.jpg From the other hand, local conditions allows to develop renewable energy and the target has already been set as that (e.g. Kosh-Agachsk station, Altai, Siberia) http://sdelanounas.ru/i/d/3/d/d3d3LnNkZWxhbm91bmFzLnJ1L3VwbG9hZHMvOS83Lzk3MTE0Mjg1MTczOTlfb3JpZy5qcGVnP19faWQ9NjA4MDk=.jpg Unfortunatelly, the basics of local economics lays beyond the oil-gas trade industry, what has no connection to real flow-stock situation inside the country. If to avoid export, as it is recommended here, renewables can replace a half of the fossil fuels used now for cities demands. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14502051549176584.png