Apartment house construction in Muenster, NRW, Germany relies on foreign steel and / or raw materials for steel
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Task 1
Uploaded on 2014-10-21 by pdompert
[1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1413913381318312.jpg Some of the materials in the construction of this apartment house are from local sources, notably the bricks on the facade, which are produced in Muenster with raw clay from the Westerwald (source: http://www.janinhoff.de/unternehmen/produktion.php). According to the website of the manufacturer of the yellow insulation material (e.g. near the roof), there are for production sites for it in Germany and the raw material such as recycled glass originate to 95 % in Germany or Central Europe (http://www.isover.de/SYSTEM_Metanavigation-1/Unternehmen/Unternehmen/Herstellung-Produkte/Herstellung-und-Produkte.aspx). Another important materials used in the construction in the form of reinforced concrete is steel. While there are steel producers in Germany, the steel industry in Germany today imports almost all of the raw materials, 100 % of iron ore and 91% of coal (http://www.stahl-online.de//wp-content/uploads/2013/08/201302_Importabhaengigkeit_Rohstoffe_D.png). It’s also very likely that the steel for reinforcement is not produced in Germany, but imported from somewhere else, as the producers here have shifted to the production of higher quality products and steel for reinforced concrete is not listed as a product in building construction (http://www.stahl-online.de//index.php/themen/stahlanwendung/bauwesen/anbieterlisten/). Interestingly the coal-rich Ruhrgebiet, which is about 50 km from this city was an important site of steel production in the past and relied on iron ore transported there by train from other parts of Germany, but it underwent a massive economic shift as more and more coal mines closed.