Uploaded on 2014-11-16 by deepshah1991
Its actually a topic of discussion which i really want to contribute to, as overlooking the effects of the easy availability of these materials in globalized economy and the global construction practices the cities are losing their own identity and actual needs and humanness. just in the man made race to compete with each other and look better its not realized that we discard the basic essence of the environment and rob it of its own identity and contextual relationship, specifically when talking in terms of cities as huge as Mumbai or say shanghai or any other big metropolis for that matter. what this picture describes is the black colored glass building as one of the many in todays construction boom in Mumbai which is the most commonly used material nowadays even though having the least relevant contextual relationship to the surrounding and the climatic conditions. what happens is just in copying the glass buildings the owner and developers forget that they use the 2 to 3 times more resources and energy in making and using these buildings. and also add to the constant increase in heat in the microclimate leading to higher temperatures and inhabitable conditions created by none other but us only. This material is brought to the city from far away factories which add to the other added harms it does including production, assembling, transportation etc. hence, i would conclude by saying that it is possible to change this adopted phenomenon and go back to using localized materials and creating better and sustainable environments for us to happily actually LIVE in them. deep :) [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14161535375633191.jpg