Passing through Av. Paulista, São Paulo!
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2014-10-15 by HigorMSE
![enter image description here][1] In this photo it is possible to see an important route of a Mega City Avenida Paulista, as is common in this type of big cities via this route has heavy traffic of vehicles and people. It is also possible to notice a dense and vertical area that is characterized as a commercial and business area. The first invisible information is why the attractive people in this region, either by branch of activity that is exerted in the area ie by being a transport route, as well as also also concentrates via several subway stations. The second invisible information is the frequency that these people go to the region is, whether for pleasure, work, or simply by being a distributor of flows. Discover through surveys and research the frequency with which people use or simply passing through the area can give us a dignóstico of how the city behaves in its centrality, and better plan the distribution of flows of people through the city, so that avoid large confluences of transportation to one place, causing an overload of the means of public Trasnporte. Also on the sectorization a North to the cities in order to avoid segregation of uses execiva or your complete lack of control, since it directly affects the number and the frequency that people use the region. proof of this is the city of Brasilia by collecting this information in frequency and number of people attending a specific sector such as Banking for example, we see that the flow in the region is due to the use of own region. [1]: