Puente Real, Badajoz (Spain)
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2014-10-18 by jmitop
The visual: The picture show the "Puente Real" (Royal bridge) one of the four bridges that connect the two riverside of the Guadiana on Badajoz (Spain) a small city (150k inhabitants) on the border with Portugal. In the picture we could see one of the main hospital of the region (large white building) and the university campus (back left side). The bridge has a double track road and in the sideway it has a bicycle-line. The traffic of the picture is the usual of a mid morning hour in a laboral day. The invisible data: What the photo doesn't show is how the bridge connect the two side of the city in one side with a high density residential building, and the opposite side with a hospital, a university and a huge commercial center. This places generate a big demand of transportation by its workers in the first hours and by clients, students and patients along the morning. In the rush hours the bridge have large jam traffic, when in some case another bridges has a regular traffic. The photo doesn't show either the low frequency rate of public transporter. For the solution of the rush hours traffics jams, all information has to be collected about traffic density and schedule of the workers of the mains places. And try to escalate the exit of the workers. Also give information to drivers about estimated time of cross the river by the differents bridges of the city. And information to the pedastian about the public transporter [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14136549497012859.jpg