Buses Cars and people but can we see community?
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2014-10-11 by Erics54
The invisible data presented here are **Transport** - The smart card or integrated ticketing operation for the PT system allows passengers to undertake multi-modal transport. The data from this system allows transport planners to efficiently plan PT provision and timetabling to allow for passenger needs. 'Travel Demand Management'(behaviour change) rules have recently been relaxed in Brisbane, so there is a great tension between optimising the availablity and attractiveness of PT, encouraging people out of there cars and the financial sustainability of the system. The monitoring of private vehicles on the arterial road as part of traffic management operations can provide comparative data, information and knowledge that can be used to assess these policy changes and the implications for City environmental sustainability. References M. Habibian & M. Kermanshah, Exploring the role of transportation demand management policies’ interactions, *Scientia Iranica*, October 2011, Vol 18 Issue 5 **Health & Security** - Monitoring cameras provide longitudinal evidence of pedestrian and bicycle circulation within and around the busway station. Linked with other observations it would be possible to develop proxy data for active lifestyle participation. Although there is inconsistent evidence regarding walkability and feelings of safety, combining real time monitoring, crime prevention through environmental design and walkability at neighbourhood level might all work together to improve community well being. References Foster et al, Neighbourhood design and fear of crime: A social-ecological examination of the correlates of residents’ fear in new suburban housing developments, *Health & Place*, , 2010, Vol 16 Issue 6 Foster et al, Does walkable neighbourhood design influence the association between objective crime and walking?, *International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity* 2014, 11:100 http://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/sites/default/files/crime_prevention_whole_policy.pdf ![Transport Hub][1] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14129899934811041.jpg