FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2014-12-05 by CarlosMogrovejo
Visible information: Mostly Infrastructure such as: Shoping place, residencial place, working place, transportation system, small green places, traffic flow (signals). Invisible information: Human pattern movement, Energy used before, during and after the construction of this new city. The invisible information that I would like to take is: the energy use. Everything is this picture (the city) used energy, it is using energy and in the future for sure. It means how much CO2 this city is making (creating) according to give better life for its inhabitants. How we can use this information to improve or make more livable this city or this model of new city. I think is making consciousness about the resources that the city uses before, during and in the its future. Looking for when, where and what the citizens do with the use of energy. I mean looking of the parameters of use energy from the citizens. And determinate a "rule" or use a better energy system to reduce de energy consumption. It would be Less use of energy = less CO2 and less use of money. Better for the inhabitants and for the city. ][1] [1]: