Making the invisible - visible . Case study Patission street, Athens, Greece
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2014-10-23 by GeorgePapam
[1]: This image was shot this Thursday afternoon at central Athens. It depicts a highly commercial street. Patission street used to specialize on clothing, but now, one can find many more things, from sport accessories to foreign delicatessen. It also hosts other uses than commerce, like agencies or entertainment. Most of the businesses are small, with just a couple multinational clothing companies (H&M, ZARA). Since 2007 and the Greek financial crisis, the small businesses in this street have a difficulty to survive and many of them stop working. It is worth noting that Patission street is about 2 km long. In this photo one can clearly distinguish: 1) Patission is a busy street, especially when the shops are open (Thursday evening) 2) Most of the spots in the ground floor level are shops, thus lighted and full of life. 3) Some shops are closed. 4) Buildings have 4-6 stories. 5) Trees are seen occasionally. 6) Municipal lighting of the road is not good, if not non-existend. In relation to what I have previously mentioned: A) Relatively to the second visible information, one should wonder what exact kind of shops are there hosted in Patission street. In what percentage the spaces on the ground floor are commercial shops, agencies or food & entertainment spots. B) Relatively to the third visible information, one should wonder in what percentage are shops in Patission closed and why. Maybe connections can be made with the economical crisis or the history of Patissia, the greater neighborhood around Patission street. An invisible information here can also be about the connection between closed shops and the kind of goods selling. As far as the latter is concerned, very useful knowledge can be extracted. Closed shops should be counted and tracked thoroughly. Their exact location in association with both Patission itself and the other streets around should be recorded. Their kind of commerce, before they stop working should be noted down. Their surroundings and the neighboring shops as well. In that way, the researcher may get a better understanding on how the commerce works on this street and how the consumer reacts in Patission or generally. The researcher will understand which kinds of commerce could not last in this location, or what locations are more preferable. In addition, with a very thorough recording, the researcher can develop a better understanding of the impact of the economic crisis in small businesses. In that way, the researcher is making the first steps in understanding the situation. With these knowledge, a commercial reconstruction masterplan of the area is possible.