Uploaded on 2014-10-23 by ZilolaNazarova
The visible information in this photo are buildings, mostly up to 4- or 5-storey buildings. Hovewer, there are some high bildings farther. There are many trees hiding the roads and the streets. 1. one invisible information is that the trees, that save us from burning sunshines in summer, are quite dangerous in windy days. The branches of these trees are fragile and can damage cars and people, we even had cases of people killed by these branches. 2. Another invisible information is that this city is natural(I don't know how to say it, I mean that it's not so highly urbanized) and has different ground levels, that are covered with asphalt and it leads to big puddles even when there's little raining. How it can become knowledge and contribute to the planning of a more liveable urban space. 2. We should focus on developing canals(in Central Asia we usually use canals) to order waterflood in right way and special works need to be held to keep them (canals) clean and make them function well. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1414073285120144.jpg