Stocks & Flows in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 2: "Stocks and Flows"
Uploaded on 2014-11-09 by ronaldvandenhoff
![The Netherlands with Utrecht as the centre city][1] So the flows we see are water, people and goods. The stocks I selected are the Central Station, the Offices in downtown Utrecht and the city library. In the old city design concept the main-station was in the geographical hearth of a city, as the train in European cities was once the mayor way of transportation. Many people and goods flow in and flow out on the same day , as they are in transit. This doesn't benefit the town itself. Also many people come in to work in the area of the station, making real estate in the down town area expensive for locals. ![city centre: central station & offices, shopping mall.][2] In future the flows will change as organizations are disappearing, due to the transition towards [Society30][3], and with it the office-workforce in its trail. So less people will flow in/out of the city and the offices will become abundant. Due to 3D printing less goods are needed to be transported, so train-, road- as well as water- transportation will shrink. Also, we see roof top farming appearing, water saving programs started and co-working being stimulated. The role of the library will change as many books will be digitalized. ![roof top farming is introduced][4] [1]: http:// [2]: [3]: [4]: