Uploaded on 2014-12-07 by Doapar
1_**The biggest flow** of Basel is the **water**, the essence that give origin to the city throught the river Rhein. This flow was always a sign of wealth, and it's used for agriculture, to transport with ships and to take baths in the summer for example. The change or disappearance of this element would be dramatic to the city, since its a central element of the organization of the city. 2_A second stock and flow we can say is the **information**, but specially talking about the **pharma industry**. Here are two big multinationals that works as a stock of information (central base) and a big flow of information (Novartis USA, Novartis Madrid and Novartis Buenos Aires send info to Basel and from here its come back...). This is the biggest industry of the city and changes in this area affects directly to the population. The future would be more diversification. A hole city must never have so big dependence of one industry, we learned it from Detroit... 3_A third important stock and flow of Basel is **the people**. "Pendeln" is a situation of our times, many people come to Basel everyday to work from France or Germany due to the better salaries and come back to sleep there because of the lower rent prices. The same happens between Basel and another cities with industry. Many people live here and work in Zurich, Bern or other towns. This daily transfer of people makes a huge problematic with the size of infrastructures. I can imagine the future with better and faster trains and with more home works thanks to the internet and videoconferences. [1]: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XzP2b01_tto/VIQpIrrp93I/AAAAAAAAAOM/HfoHPh_SSIg/s1600/_MG_7598.jpg