Stocks and Flows Within Our Cities
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 2: "Stocks and Flows"
Uploaded on 2014-11-18 by JonasRafaelMelo
- Electricity The electricity flow is a very important for us and for everyone. Electricity has become the main source of light, heat and power used in the modern world. Simple activities like watching television or surfing the internet are possible because the electricity reaches your home. Factories, supermarkets, shopping malls and a plethora of other places need it to function. Much of the technological advances we have achieved is due to electricity. Obtained from all other types of energy, electricity is transported and arrives to consumers worldwide through complex electrical systems, composed of four steps: generation, transmission, distribution and consumption. As we can see is a big flow that electricity makes up our house, for example. - The Water We can consider the water flow, but also a stock. The importance of water in the life of the planet is of such proportions that when water is lacking life is threatened. We are so accustomed to the presence of water only realize its importance when it is lacking. The water of rivers, lakes and oceans (which can be considered water stocks) evaporates, forms clouds in the atmosphere. When these clouds are overloaded and reach high altitudes rains occur. These are formed as the temperature drops and the water becomes liquid, then the rainfall occurs, but in the process are also formed snow and hail. Thus, water is also a flow. - The Transit The traffic is very common in the world and uninterrupted flow. People have the need to travel, whether to go to school, either to go to work, whatever the motivation, people need besides, has the right to get around. ![digite a descrição da imagem aqui][1] [1]: