Stocks and flows in Paris , France
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 2: "Stocks and Flows"
Uploaded on 2014-11-15 by alizine
![enter image description here][1] **PEOPLE_CULTURE_WEALTH_FOOD** **PEOPLE** Like many global cities , one the major Stocks and flows dynamic in Paris is the population itself. It's even more striking in Paris as only 2 million people live inside the actually city of Paris. However , more than 8 million people work in Paris and commute from neighbouring areas.Which means that the flow of the incoming working population living in other areas is far more important than the one living inside the City. Also , Paris has a very important flow of tourists all year rounds , that adds up to the existing population. ![enter image description here][2] _**CULTURE** Paris is a prominent cultural pole in the world . That is not only due to its history , but also to the important numbers of museums and cultural centers in the city. In oder to attract more visitor , most of these institutions have their own permanent collections , which could be considered stock , but also temporary exhibits which they house for a short period of time. Most of these rotating collections are either a part of an international museum partnership , or are assembled by the efforts of the institution . These temporary exhibitions keep the cultural scene alive and increases the number of visitors in some cases. Hence the importance of the flow of culture. ![enter image description here][3] **WEALTH** As a global city , the parisian economy and wealth is very much linked to the global economy.The defense district in Paris , which is where most of the financial decisions are made , is also the part of Paris that rarely sleeps since it's always dealing with people from the other side of the planer. Investments and capitals in Paris , as in most global capitals , are also a part of the stock and flow since some of the wealth produced in the city stays here and is invested locally , while a big portion is used for more international transactions. It also works the other way around , since the local investments in Paris are far less significant than the international ones. **FOOD** Most of the food eaten in Paris is not produced in Paris. It comes from fields in the south or in many cases , from different parts of the words . So it's a mostly flow dynamic. However there is still a rare agricultural activity in some areas of the cities that should be encouraged and implemented in urban agriculture strategies. _In conclusion , I think these different dynamics reflect the complexity that is the urban space.I believe that if the stocks and flows of the population are taken into consideration in the future planning of the city , it will help planners understand the flexibility the public space and public transportation needs in order to evolve. Stocks and flows of culture are heading towards a globalization of culture which means there will be more flow of culture in Paris and less permanent collection displays. [1]: [2]: [3]: