Stocks and flows in Kamena Vourla, Greece
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 2: "Stocks and Flows"
Uploaded on 2014-12-08 by KonstantinosMegagiannis
[1]: Kamena Vourla is a small city, near Athens, Greece, which is characterized as a tourist resort. Three main stock and flows of Kamena Vourla, are people, infrastructure and natural landscape. • People: In summers, the number of the inhabitants of the city increases at a percentage bigger than 100% reaching from 3000 to 6000-7000 aproximately. This flow of people brings great benefit to the local community. • Infrastructure: The city has near to 80 tourist and hotel establishments, so that is able to meet tourists’ needs successfully (stock). • Natural landscapes: As shown in the picture, the proximity to the sea and to the mountain and the abudance of green areas consists a very attractive stock of natural landscapes. Tourist growth can be achieved with further promotion and advertising of the city side by side with the improvement of the related facilities. Strict measures should be adopted in order to protect the natural landscapes of the increase in the numbers of their visitors.