Stocks and Flows in Rishikesh (Uttrakhand)
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 2: "Stocks and Flows"
Uploaded on 2014-12-08 by VarunPratapSingh
1. pilgrims during festivals 2. Rain water in Gunga River 3. Traffic of vehicles which comes from Delhi and NCR region for weekends These three are the major area of attention for my city because during festivals up to 10 Million pilgrims can easily come to my city (Khumb mela), which is really very huge amount of population for a small city. Secondly, I focused on rain water because Rishikesh is located at the down stream of hills so large amount of water comes from hills during rains. some time it flow above the danger zone which creates so many problems for local people. In last the third major area of attention for stocks and flows are peoples and travelers which use NH 72 and NH58 for their transportation purpose, because in hills the roads are very narrow which also creates traffic jam problems. So for solving these problems the attentions must be given in so many areas which can be shortly describe as good city hospitality, availability of large numbers of hotels, good water drainage systems and better traffic control systems.![enter image description here][1] [1]: