Flows in my city, that I noticed for the first time
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 2: "Stocks and Flows"
Uploaded on 2014-11-07 by AnaCurk
In my hometown, Niš, I can mark off college students,import of food and import of different products as present flows. Niš is an University center for this region and a lot of students from suburbia move in every year. You can see on this picture a group of my colleagues in University hallway. Half of them, or even more aren't from Niš. As I mentioned before, we have to import food from rural areas and I believe I don't need to explain that. And, third example - import of products. This is maybe not one of the most important examples, but it's definitely the interesting one. We have a lot of Chinese stores all around the city and the hole country, that contain Chinese clothes, accessorize, household goods... Serbia and China are so far away one of another, and I actually don't know how it came to this :) [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1415399950490183.jpg