Uploaded on 2014-11-11 by ezequielanusurrets
Again, I'm **rediscovering my city**, in this case through **Stocks and flows**, which ones are important or not, will be taken into account or not, by the already designers or the future designers. In this case I present to you my home town, for those who have not read. An area called Nueva Cordoba, located in the Center of Córdoba, Argentina. This area, which is 85% inhabited by students aged between 18 and 30 years, due to the proximity with the University City. That's why I could detect as possible stock and flows different parameters: *electricity, gas, transport, construction, populated areas, people, internet, etc.* But I will focus on three aspects, which are the most important in the development of this city (students, populated areas and transport). **Students:** each year the amount is renewed some that will be (because they study or because they ended up and are back to their city of origin), and other new students who begin to study, come to that. Constantly there is a flow of replacement of inhabitants, mostly are those who remain that those that come, with which this demand more construction and more services. **Populated areas:** in the city there are marked areas, Nueva Córdoba (area of residence of students), College Campus (University area), downtown (banking, administrative and judicial area) and the peripheries or satellite areas (cities, where people sleep and during the day, they move to the Center to work) this generates an accumulation and densification of areas, no longer by year study, but for a daily study of does this in the transport, transit problems, noise and environmental pollution. Currently those banking and administrative areas are moving to the boundaries between the Center and those satellite towns, preventing accumulation or overcrowding of the same. **Transportation:** Being a city of dimensions considered, since the distance between these areas exceeds several kilometers, the transport system is essential for the design of the same. A transport at the Center, that does not affect the life of the student (without hearing or environmental pollution), which favors those years and enhance resources (bike paths, pedestrian areas, etc). And in the peripheries, a efficient transport access to the Centre, with free public transportation access only to avoid traffic problems and quick intense. Something very interesting that it has made in this city about the transportation is different lines that go to different zones, each of those lines has a different color, which knowledge becomes easier that line use. I see this parameter as that gives order and meaning to others. I've seen in this last time and my city, by economic and political problems, it freezes due to assemblies of public transport, leaving stranded throughout the city, since the user is not used to use other resources, such as bike, or carpooling that is trend. **A FEW QUESTIONS:** ****1) How can we *use* this *information* to *model* and then make cities *planning design*, or how does the future cities laboratory use this information to model future cities?** **2)Can *stock* change into *flow*? Or, can stock, by the time *disappear*? Does anyone have an example?** **3)Which are the *global stock and flows* that we have to consider?**** And a few photos 1) a map of college campus vs Nueva Córdoba (the residential student area) 2) The new administratives areas at the peripheries 3) The new office buildings also at the peripheries 4) The cultural spaces at the centre in Nueva Córdoba 5) The transportation issues (cars vs bycicle vs bus) thanks, SeeU next time Ezequiel ![map][1] ![administrative][2] ![office][3] ![CulturalArea][4] ![transportation][5] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14156638013167058.jpg [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14156638186818003.jpg [3]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14156638342319816.jpg [4]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14156638479838873.jpg [5]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14156638689445464.jpg