Uploaded on 2014-12-08 by ProfessorX
a. Water b. Food c. Transportation All can be classified as stocks as well as flows. a. Water is needed in every city. In recent year there has been a drought in California, and limited water usage have been issued for certain area of the state. Residential use and agriculture use, has been affected by this condition. Recently in last couple of weeks, we have had rain fall, but not enough. Water leaves the city through the bay that surrounds the city. It returns through the utility system and reservoir. b. Food come in the city from other areas. There are “farmer markets” that provide freshly grown crops to residents. Overcrowding of the city, has effect the resources for different produce and product. Better quality and increase quantity of food in the city is needed. Low cost and accessibility is also required for a healthier city. c. Transportation is so important for every city. In my city public transportation and automobiles are how residents travel throughout the city. Public transportation is for commuting and leaving the city for jobs, and entertainment. Automobiles have increase in the city over the last 20 years three folds. This has had a negative effect on air quality in the city ![enter image description here][1] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14180064775780774.png