Sources of Primary Energy and Energy Usage Sustainability of India
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 3
Uploaded on 2015-11-01 by mishrasujeet
![enter image description here][1] **#2:** The dominant consuming sectors are Industry, Transport and Others (residential, services, agriculture etc.) shown as under: ![enter image description here][2] **#3:** The principal basket of primary usage is almost entirely of non-renewables with very high conversion loss. Further, the oil is principally an imported source-this places high strategic cost on this source. If I were to plan and give policy prescription I would first try to break the direct dependence on particular primary source of energy. Electrification of transport, reliable supply of electricity (thereby eliminating the need of diesel backups) would go a long way to meet same functional requirements using different sources of primary energy. India is investing heavily in to renewables, however, unless the end use is decoupled from a particular source of primary energy, the generated electricity would not make the needed impact. [1]: [2]: